Improve Your Productivity With VoIP and Got2Connect
Work smarter not harder. There are no truer words than that & we are here to give you some insight on how you can establish that in your office setting. We would like to introduce you to VoIP. VoIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol and what that means is it’s a phone service provided through your internet connection instead of your local phone company. There are many benefits to switching, but the one we feel is most important is the improvement within your productivity.
How many times do you find yourself thinking there is never enough time in a day, a week, a month or a year? Time management is a major key in success & moving forward with technology that can help you work smarter not harder is the way to go. VoIP is a tool which can streamline your communications & help reduce your admin time by 5% on a weekly basis. When you’re looking at a 40 hour work week that would be two hours of time you now have to use for other projects that have piled up or some free time to unwind & recenter yourself. The options are endless!
One time saving hack in which VoIP will offer is automating incoming calls. You can set up the service with a customizable automated answer in which you can inform your clients of basic information like operating hours, location & any other information you may find vital fro them to know. This is a service that is being run 24/7 without you having to lift a finger. You can adjust the message after hours to include additional information you may feel necessary to keep your clients up to date. On top of the nice automated feature you can set it up in conjunction with the Ring Group feature which would allow you to send incoming calls to numerous extensions. This feature would ensure the call would be answered in the quickest & most efficient way. In return keeping your clients happy!
In this day & age mobile cell phones are essential to personal & work life. Sometimes you can’t always be at your office getting work done & confusing clients with business & personal phone numbers can get cumbersome & inconvenient. With connecting VoIP & our mobile app there is a convenient way to sync the two in which you are able to receive incoming business calls & also make outgoing business calls all from your mobile phone as if you were making that call right in your office. Think of the time you would save if you decided to work from home for the day. Cutting out your communing time would allow for more work to get done or for you to enjoy some of your day!
Lastly, a better voicemail will create higher productivity by the versatility the app allows. Not only can you receive your business voicemails directly to your mobile phone you can also have an audio message sent to you via email. Instead of voicemail being a separate entity it now becomes a more streamline part of your workflow. Having one place where all your messages are will dramatically help manage staying in constant contact with the important people for your business.
There are so many advantages to making the switch to create a more streamline system within your business & we are here to help! Call us for more details in the new & exciting way to communicate!
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